Saphire Honda

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who decides the price of the product?
Ans :
As a dealer the prices comes from HMSI (Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt).

Q2. What are the fees charged?
Ans :
The following deductions are made from the order item value:

1. Commission fee: (included) .
2. Shipping fee (included).
3. Collection fee:(included).
4. GST (included)

Q3. How and when do I get refunded?
Ans :
All refunds are made through NEFT transactions (online banking). The payments will come directly to your bank accounts within the next 7-15 business days from the date of refund requested date.

Q4. Who can I contact for more information or help?
Ans :
You can contact us for any queries about the program. It usually takes between 48-72 hours for us to respond. Please note that we are unable to provide technical support.

Q5. Where do i see the price of different products?
Ans :
You could see different prices for the product in the specific product page.

Q6. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?
Ans : You can make payment Via Cash.